One year ago, I wrote about the Children's Dray, that's not for nothing that I remember this now, that's because it has about one year that I wrote this, I mean, I wrote this in October 10, today is October 13, but one year after the other one.
Today interesting things happened, I met new people, and the new students from college started the graduation, to say the truth I knew one speacial person from these new students.
The most important thing that I can say, tha happened today, objetctively, was that the person in charge to carry the wills of the University has shown that he is really comitted with what is necessary to make Uneal a better University.
I think I'll start to write on this blog again, this is really my personal diary, and it's a actual therapy writing here as I would solve my problems just by putting it here on the net...
Today I had a game at my school, with the other teachers we had a Treasure Hunt, and it was quite good because the students kid a lot. And something else, interesting as well, was that we were kidding with each other too.
At my job I don't have anything to say, maybe that's why, job is always a job, so we don't need to think if it's good or not, it's just what it is, although this is the best job I ever had, where I have no stress, I would like to work less.
Tonight happened that good event, other thing that is worth registering is that the student representant, said important things, but I really think to think about some subjects...
Ok, for today, I think that it's enough, tomorrow we are going to the 'taking office' cerimony, so I need to rest, because it's far from here.