sábado, 10 de outubro de 2009

Children's Day

Today is 10th of Octuber, a Saturday. After a whole week of hard work, and College, I'm studying again, in the afternoon, it's 16:09, and I haven't yet stopped.

I'm in a better mood than the other days I wrote, I feel. Anyway, nothing's got where I wanted it to get, but I think that's near than before, so I must to cheer up myself, 'cause if I don't do this, I think that maybe I won't be here when the things are really better.

Monday we have a holiday in my country, and this is good (funny maybe). Children's Day, but the holiday isn't for this reason, it is for the Holy Mary, mother of Jesus. This holiday existies since 1980s, I don't remember the right year.
For the religious ones, follows a site wich has the Holy Bible in English: www.biblegateway.com
http://www.inglespraque.com/ (this is just something interesting for Brazilians who study English!)
I'll enjoy this to study a lot, because I won't have enough time after this. Of course, I do need to sleep, I haven't slept well all this days: there are always a lot of things to do, wich can be my own job, or the college, but I'm not complaining just showing some facts...

sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2009

End of August

Another month's gone. Or almost gone.Many things were done, and much more I've got to do. It was good in such ways.In the Center of Studies we are preparing an abstract right now, about education, it envolves things like the reasons that shows why the public educations doens't work well. It's related to the wage paid to the teachers, the buildings (walls, classrooms, bathrooms, libraries), the available instruments (equipments) for use of the teachers and students, between other things. It's very good, because saying the truth, we know that a great part of our schools
don't have the necessary to work as well as they should. But we, people, needed to complain about our rights, and other people's right. But unhappily, the truth is that most people only care about themselves.

Well. There were more things. But I don't know what to say now. Ok. I'm studying a lot of English, and I've just started studying Spanish again. Yesterday I studyied a little French. Only a little. But I miss it a lot, I love French. Probably that's because I love the enlightenment. Of course we need some more light in our life today, in all the world, once that globalization made us
be one only nation. But with an enormous inequality.

I saw a great feature this Sunday. It talked about the sale of second-hand clothes in Africa. About this, I don`t remember the country was beeing shown, but I think it was Namibia, or Zambia, I`m not sure. We don`t see anything about Africa every day on television. But I remember the main point of the reporting.

The problem is that many people donated clothes to the Salvation Army, and this clothes were
destinated to Africa, and there some people bought these wares to resell in this continent. People who used to donate don`t know that their given clothes were sold after. And the local government of the country didn`t have political structured enough to engage against this, even local clothe industries are nonexistents. It's important for us understanding that the countries wich have condintions to provide to poor countries a way to reach out a better way of live don't do this.

But they give money to investiments in the poor countries. How can we think they don't mind? Ok, they give money. But as we can see in the speech of the inhabitants they just can't imagine why they should build, or do, what the foreing country asks them to do. Because it is useless to them. After the slavery of a long time ago. And the prejudice that we know still existis in the world. They are deceived. They are made of 'fool'. Governments seems to kid with them, as if their lives was just a game, a goal. Rich contries forget that each person, of this innocent people them 'mean' helping, has a life, has family, has dreams, and would like to have a better live.
But still rich people forget everything, while poor forgive.

Júnior Araújo

quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2009

A hard day

Well, much things to talk about...
Ok. It has such a long time that I don`t type a line here. But let`s start intead writing day by day, I`ll start writing about yesterday.
The 4th of august was very full. I left home at almost eight am. I arrived at the work at 8:15... I use to come by bycicle. Well, I worked a lot, did a plenty of documents, and bought some material we need here in the factory. I left my work at 5:15, I had no time to lunch, at least not much. I was worried because I had to present two works at graduation, and I needed to leave at 4:00 am, my correct living time.
Well, even with a little time I've done my part, I presented my works, and the classemates seemed to like this. Both works were in grupo, but saying the truth, I think we should have presented a better work. And of course, the classe should have read more, and asked us something else about that things.
After this busy day I got home, at 11:00 pm or a little more. As soon as I got home my Mother asked me to help her to raise up to her to go to the bathroom, because she's passed for a surgery, she can't make any effort for ninety days.I started watching a movie: "Mar Vermelho". When it was 12:00 p.m. I gave the medicine to my mother, and backed to continue seeing the movie that I don't know its right name in English, but it's interesting, I already thought this, even I haven't fineshed yet. I was lying on the sofa while wathing the movie, unhappily I slept, perhaps 12:30p.m. and my mother raise up alone, it frights me, even now, she still can't. She said it was nothing, she was well, and it has no problem to do this, that I need to sleep because I raise up very early, and spend all day out of home, working or studing... (as if she wanted to say that if she had done this once or twice, not always, it would have no problem)...... But the truth is that she needs me, and I couldn't had slept, and let her get up alone.Now it's a day after, 11:35, and I asleep...
But I need to overcome...
I hope I can write better things tomorrow.

domingo, 28 de junho de 2009

June 2009, Last Sunday

A boring day, it's the better definition to what I feel about today.
The things didn't happen how they use to do. My mother didn't go to the fair. I wake up, for what I remember, first than my little br0ther, at least I studied a lot of French, during the morning; but in general I cannot think in anything interesting when I think about what happned during the morning, the afternoon, or even now in the evening.
This week we saw a new wich we were not ready for, or maybe, we just couldn't wait: Michael Jackson's Death. It seems to be a lie. How could he dye, but the new came, and everybody already now: It's true! I don't use to listen to their work, or to watch the video clips, but I remember him from my childhose, and that brings me something from there, I just don't know what. There's something that I know, I should try cathing more from what is going on in the world. Since we have been noticed from what happend, we see in the television his preocupation with children, with the poverty. But I myself was not a known person about these atitudes. This is someone that deserves to be studied, ever now, when he's passed.
I hope to enjoy the best he gave to us. I don't know if that's why I'm alone here in Arapiraca, if I'm far away from my very friends, or if that's why they propose some of the things I think is really important: help the people, but in this moment I just think I should have tried to understand his work better, and learn a little more about him.
There're a lot of things else to talk about me, but not today, instead I'll just say that I'm not well today, as the most part of my days in this strange city to where I was driven by my destiny without a real choice, except the revel or the resignation, and wich I've chosen the last one. And I haven't complainned about this till now, so I won't do much of that this night, not this night. Anyway stays the adivse: "I'm not satisfied", "I'm not happy", "I know I'm not as guilty as my punishment is bad."
In this end of my night, of this night... from it all, I just want to remember one thing:
"To Be True, Strong, and Brave, and defend the weaks and the ones who can't defend theirselves." (from the ancient warriors")
I'd like to see the innocent without any kind of suffering.
(by myself, and from the ones who mind with the world.)
I'll always remember this.
If there's a God: "- Please: I need you, as I have never needed you before."

sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2009



Well, Many things have happened since the last time I wrote here.
The most importats were:

  • I moved away from me he one I most wanted beside me;
  • I spent all the coins that some very important people had deposited on me;
  • I recalled myself that I'm not on my rest place.

Today I'm still realizing many things, one of them is that I need to take a long rest, to meet my true friends, to see the places of my childhood... It's seemed for a long time that my time is coming... but sometimes it fells that in the truth I am the one who wants to leave here...

But I still can't: there's a lot of things to be done, and a lot of things to dream of... but I deeply tired...
Of it all

sábado, 30 de maio de 2009

...A time for the comprehension of myself...

]Some will say that it's a kind of mistake or any other thing that probably I would not agree... Anyway, I just want to speak a little about what can be important to me in some time, and for it I will use the way I think it's better... Right or Wrong: That's me... I'm a little strange now, in this moment of my life I fell lonely and unrestble, if this word really exists... I need some friendships round me, but now... I look around me and I'm sure I just can be on my own.... Unrestble.
In this moment I'm:
Lot of problems, better saying: I don't have mind to reach a solution
Lot of preocupaions, better saying: lots of things to mind
Lot of doubts, better saying: I think I can reach the exits alone, by the other hands there isn't anyone here with me. And the worse: I haven't broken anything.

I beg...
Carry me, to somewhere out of here
Take me on your short wings
Tell me that we will be free
Tell me we are all kings.[